Chairman's Desk

“Education is about awakening........."
Khatiza Parween is the woman who dedicated her rigorous efforts for the set up AG College of Nursing. As The Chairman of Trust with the humanitarian approach and untiring efforts, she added catering to all specialties in the medical field and equipped with the most sophisticated equipment in one of the leading nursing colleges of Jharkhand.
As a businesswoman, she is well known for her integrity and wisdom and has an open mind to one and all, irrespective of caste, creed, colour and religion. To the social and cultural life of the city of steel plant Bokaro, A.G. College of Nursing holds the pride of place being pioneers in the field of Nursing, Paramedical and has a magnificent heritage. Our constant pursuit of excellence has made our institute a center of attention point in Nursing Education for students and faculty members alike. I wish were the student's splendid success in their endeavors and feel positive that they will be well received by the Nobel medical profession.

Mrs.Khatiza Parween